Loan Affordability Calculator

Determine optimal loan amounts and terms

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Maximum Loan Amount

Total Repayment Amount

Monthly Installment Plan

Month Installment (PKR) Remaining Balance (PKR)

Yearly Installment Plan

Year Total Yearly Installment (PKR) Remaining Balance (PKR)

Loan Affordability Calculator

What is a Loan Affordability Calculator?

A Capital Gains Tax (CGT) calculator helps you estimate the tax liability on profits earned from selling an asset, such as real estate or stocks. It considers factors like purchase price, sale price, holding period, and applicable tax rates to provide an accurate tax estimate.

Why Use This Calculator?

  • Quickly estimate your maximum loan eligibility.
  • Understand your monthly repayment obligations.
  • Plan your finances effectively and avoid excessive debt.

How to Use This Calculator?

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter your monthly income.
  2. Provide details of your existing monthly expenses and debts.
  3. Select the loan term and interest rate.
  4. Click on Calculate to see your loan affordability estimate.

Factors Affecting Loan Affordability

Several key factors influence how much loan you can afford:

  • Income Level: Higher income allows for a larger loan amount.
  • Loan Term: Longer terms may reduce monthly payments but increase total interest.
  • Interest Rate: Higher rates increase overall loan costs.
  • Existing Debts: More debt lowers the loan amount you can afford.


Our Loan Affordability Calculator is an essential tool for homebuyers, investors, and anyone looking to finance a major purchase. It provides a realistic estimate, helping you make informed borrowing decisions. Try it now to plan your finances wisely and secure the right loan for your needs!